high tech communication

Elby Services can help identify appropriate high tech solutions, assist in funding efforts, and support with programming and training.

Try before you buy

Elby Services can in many cases allow you to try a tech solution to make sure it is a good fit for you.

Computer Access

Elby Services can identify switch interfaces, head pointers, or eye gaze systems which can provide alternative computer access.

Team training

Elby Services works to give everyone involved the skills needed to support success.

Cognitive apps

Elby Services can help identify and train apps for memory, organization, and learning.

low tech communication

Elby Services can help create sets of core words and train communication through use of pictures, symbols, or objects.


Switch Access

Elby Services can help identify which switch works best for your physical needs.

Adapted toys

Elby Services can help encourage exploration and learning through switch adapted toys.

Consulting for Augmentative/Alternative Communication and assistive technology


Communication apps

Elby Services can help you make data driven decisions about which app works best for you.